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Padang-11 Oktober 2023, dr. Latifah Andhini berhasil menjadi juara pertama lomba poster pada 12th PIT IKA Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesia Pediatric Society in Conjungtion With 8th Asian Pediatric Pulmonology Society (APPS) Annual Scientific Congress Padang 7 – 11 Oktober 2023, Pandemic Recovery: Restoring the Future of Children.

Poster yang berjudul Constipation With Spina Bifida Occulta In 10-Years-Old Girl With Xeroderma Pigmentosa telah berhasil membawa harum nama Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin sebagai Best E-Poster.

Best E-Poster oleh dr. Latifah Andhini

Poster yang dibawakan oleh dr. Dhini (nama panggilannya) adalah mengenai kasus divisi Gastro-Enterologi sebagai berikut:

BACKGROUND: Spina bifida occulta (SBO) is a spinal anomaly in which the posterior arches of the lumbosacral spine fail to fuse. Children with SBO showed abnormal nerve conduction until loss of innervation to pelvic floor muscles and the hindgut in constipation. Xeroderma pigmentosa in clinically of the prior study showed 2 for 8 patients got chronic constipation.

Case: A 10-year-old girl with Xeroderma Pigmentosa presented to the ER with abdominal enlargement and no defecation for 7 days. History of several hard passes stool since 3 years old. She was diagnosed with Xeroderma Pigmentosa since 3 years old. The girl had a dysmorphic face, distended abdomen with palpable mass, macula hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation with xerosis on the face, neck, hand, and feet. Radiology examination showed retention of faecal material on colon descending and sigmoid. Her abdominal USG shown that mild hydronephrosis bilateral. MSCT scan abdomen with contras showed spina bifida and suspect polyposis rectum and sigmoid narrow lumen with obstructive ileus.

Management consists of lavement 3 times/ day, probiotic, albumin capsule, ofloxacin eye drop, antifungal intravenous, antibiotic intravenous, and physiotherapy with passive range of motion right upper and lower extremities.

After 35 days of hospitalization, the patient was discharged with the improvement of defecation and, furthermore, planned for an IQ test, colonoscopy, and occupation therapy in the Rehab Medic Department of RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.

CONCLUSION: Constipation in children is associated with increased incidence of SBO. Proper investigation should be done to explore SBO.


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  2. Schwartz GG, Hillman PR, Omoruyi EV, Mazur LJ. Enuresis and Constipation in a 12-Year-Old. Clinical Pediatrics. 2018 Jan;57(1):121-4.
  3. Richterová R, Kolarovszki B, Opšenák R. Management of Pediatric Patients with Spina Bifida. InSpina Bifida and Craniosynostosis-New Perspectives and Clinical Applications 2021 Jun 1. IntechOpen.

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